P-1 / P-2 Training Course

Becoming a pilot is a gradual process, and one whose progress you control. Led by a trained, experienced instructor, you will start by learning to control the wing above your head on a open, grassy field. When both you and your instructor feel ready, you will be hand-towed a few feet off the ground by your instructor before you are towed by a winch to greater heights at South Florida’s main flying site: the Tow Pad in LaBelle, FL. Successfully completing assigned tasks and passing written tests will have you progress towards higher ratings and mastery of special skills. Depending on factors like your training schedule, instructor availability, location, weather, and comfort level, you can become a Novice P-2 Pilot in as little as a month, although 3 months is closer to the norm.

P-1 vs P-2
A P-2 (Novice) certification is necessary for you to fly on your own, without an instructor’s supervision. A P-1 (Beginner) certification means you started learning about paragliding and may have even taken a few short flights, but you are still too inexperienced to fly safely on your own. Most pilots go right through the P-1 certification on their way to P-2. We follow all instructional and safety guidelines set forth by the US Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association (USHPA).

Here at Cloudbase Therapy Paragliding Academy we are proud to offer what is possibly the most comprehensive classroom instruction curriculum in the world, through a combination of videos, diagrams, pictures, and discussions involving a multitude of scenarios, with the ultimate goal of setting you up for a lifetime of safe, enjoyable flying. You can check out what you will be learning during our courses through the links below:

P-1 Course Syllabus
P-2 Course Syllabus

Paragliding is often viewed by outsiders as an adrenaline-pumping sport, but that is really not the case for the vast majority of pilots. For them, it is actually a relaxing weekend activity, filled with tranquil hours soaring with a variety of birds, having spectacular views of forming clouds and of the terrain below. Men and women of all ages, from all walks of life — including those with disabilities — can soar like birds. As long as the pilot can pull on both brake toggles, he or she will be equal to everyone else in the sky. The risks inherent to paragliding are comparable to other adventure sports, however, they can be mitigated to a large extent by adherence to set of guidelines that we will help you master during your training.